Shooting from transports

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    Can transported troops shoot from open topped transports?

    Master Chief

    Page 115 of 2nd edition


    Once a unit is aboard a transport, its models are temporarily removed from the table and put aside, taking care to make it clear which models are in the vehicle. You must still give orders to units carried in this way. If you want them to remain on the transport, order them Down (which has no effect) or Rally (which works normally). If you want the unit to dismount, order them to Advance or Run, as described later. Units carried aboard transports cannot be given Ambush or Fire orders, and are therefore unable to shoot.


    Well that’s stupid. That was the standard doctrine for Panzer Grenadiers. They didn’t get out of their transports unless absolutely needed and were taught specifically to fight from them using the armor as a mobile pill box to keep up with the tanks.

    Not sure if that was American doctrine for its armored infantry.


    Its also game braking….as suddenly your units are immune to most weapons in the game (death by pins aside).. thats before you have to workout whos in range, whats their LoS etc etc – I mean look a a standard truck can you even get 5 models on their bases in there?

    Basically its a rules nightmare to try and setup for 1 or 2 units in one or two nations.

    Another example is look at soviet tank riders… who could fire from the back of tanks.. but in the rules they emergancy disembark (D6″ & change their order to/ gain a down order) if you shoot ANY weapon at the tank they are on

    Dont forget this is a game not a historical simulation…


    Also, look at the section on page 114. A transport can only fire 1 weapon, irrespective of how many are actually fitted. To fire the others you need passengers.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by arcole.

    Its not that game breaking. Troops can simply shoot from an open topped transport. 40k has been doing it for many editions now. Transport moves, then guys inside get the penalty for moving. Vehicle gets pins, so do the guys inside. You can measure from the troop compartment for range. Its not hard at all.

    I also cant stand the stupid capture thing on transports. The drivers were trained to defend themselves with submachine guns. They didn’t just casually roll over and die plus you have the gunner on the top with a machine gun and cover from the vehicle itself. At a minimum if there is going to be a capture then the squad doing the capture should have to take an action to move base to base, not simply be closer than friendly models. “Oh no, there are enemy troops 24″ away and my allies are 25″ away. I surrender!”


    game breaking = doing stuff not in the rules = not having rules to follow!

    So to allow you to shoot from open toped vehicles you need to put another paragraph or 3 in to the rule book… lets have a quick look at why:

    For measuring from a troop compartment now you get ‘modeling for advantage’ as which truck do you use (I have 2 and they are differnt sizes) & up to 2-3″ extra range on weapons and when you have short range weapons like flame throwers & pistols that matters. And thats before you realise you get 12 guys now shooting from the same space as 2 guys on foot!…

    However if you want to house rule it – dont let us stop you, go for it! just dont expect everyone to love it. ( I for one would say no because of the reasons above – I like the simplicity of – guys on a vehicle cant shoot unless maning extra weapons that are on the transport)

    As for the instant distruction of transports for enemy being closer I do agree that its a bit OTT.. therefore I like the house rule of the enemy unit must be in 12″ to count

    EDIT – PS I always say this is a game based on Hollywood not a simulation

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Nat.
    Eric T Holmes

    OK, my 2 centavos worth…make this situation a house rule or scenario driven rule, but make sure you and your opponent agree on this new rule. YMMV Roll sixes! Eric

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