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  • #185173
    Nigel Heather

    Can anyone help me understand the sniper rules please.

    In the sniper rules it states that there is a marksman and optionally an observer in which case the team weapon special rule applies.

    So does this mean if you don’t have an observer, the team weapon rule does not apply.

    I ask because the team weapon rule requires a minimum of two to fire at full effectiveness, otherwise there is a -1 to hit.

    I get that if you have a marksman and an observer, it counts as a team, so if there is one casualty you lose the observer and the marksman shoots with a -1 to hit.

    But as the rules are written, if you deploy a marksman on their own then it isn’t a weapon team, so the special rule doesn’t apply which means there isn’t a -1 to hit.

    I don’t think that is what is meant but it is the way it is written.  I’m assuming that if you just deployed the marksman then they would be a degraded weapon team from the start?

    I also assume that they are treated as a support team so if the marksman is killed the observer (if they are still alive) are out of action too.

    I also get that a weapon team can’t use their personal weapons but this does not apply to the sniper team.

    Perhaps I’m being dumb but I don’t think the rulebook is very clear in this area.






    Greg S

    The rule doesn’t say an observer is optional, it says it ‘normally includes an observer’.  If you purchase a sniper from an army list they either come with an observer or they don’t.  The only one that I can think of where there isn’t an observer is the Finnish Simo Haya (but someone may correct me).

    For example the German army selector lists a Sniper Team : 2 men; Weapon: 1 rifle; Special Rules: Team Weapon, Sniper.

    You cannot deploy the sniper alone.  If the sniper dies, the observer is removed as per the normal Team rules.

    Some Army lists allow observers to have personal weapons.  If the sniper is not using his scope, the observer may shoot his personal weapon.  That is stated in the Sniper rules (p91)


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Greg S.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Greg S.
    Master Chief

    The only one that I can think of where there isn’t an observer is the Finnish Simo Haya

    The Polish “Marksman” is a one-man sniper unit that does not have the Team special rule, so he shoots without the -1 penalty.


    There is also the japanese lone sniper…however if he ‘upgrades’ to an LMG he goes back to taking a team weapon without a crew so suffers the -1.

    Master Chief

    …however if he ‘upgrades’ to an LMG he goes back to taking a team weapon without a crew so suffers the -1.

    Yes, and he will no longer be a “sniper” and does not do exceptional damage (as clarified in the latest FAQ).


    Hence the ‘upgrade’ being in inverted commas :p

    but the unit is still called a sniper :p

    Master Chief

    Yea, hence he is no longer a “sniper” is also in quotes 😄 Technically he becomes a 1-man LMG “team”, although still called a “lone sniper”.


    touche good sir! :p


    There’s also the Nationalist Chinese sniper (Sgt Tung I think), who is also alone sniper & kills on a 2 no matter the targets skill level!


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