Some queries re Critical Damage and the Turn sequence

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    I’ve a couple of questions regarding Critical Damage and how it’s applied with regard to the turn sequence/activation, and I’d be interested to hear how others have addressed the issues (if indeed they are issues).

    1) 02 – BRIDGE HIT : No directional or speed command can be given next turn. I’m guessing this should say “next activation”, so that if the vessel hasn’t been yet been activated, this will apply this turn, and if it has, it will apply next turn.

    2) 06 – CREW HIT : No shooting this activation.
    At the next activation ….
    Are they talking about different activations here? So if it’s, say, Turn 2 and the vessel receiving the hit hasn’t yet activated, then it won’t be able to fire in Turn 2 but will be able to move as it wants, but in Turn 3 it will be able to fire but will have to pass a Skill Test to move as it wants. Or if it’s Turn 2 and the vessel has already been activated, does it move as it wants but not fire in Turn 3, and fire but take a Skill Test in Turn 4. (Or because the vessel’s already been activated, ignore the “no shooting” thing 🙂 … but take a Skill Test in turn 3?)

    I’m guessing that 06-CREW HIT implies that the Bridge is OK so there’s no immediate need to take a Skill Test to move – it’ll just be the guys manning the guns that’ll be affected at first.

    Anyway, am I being a bit anal about this? Does it really matter? Should I just play it the way I’m most happy with?

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