soviet army dog mine anti tank teams

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  • #186635
    Raf De Backer

    inexperienced  dog mine anti tank team consists of 2 handlers,each handler has a dog mine for 26 points

    a dog mine is a one shot weapon with a range of 18 inches.Dog mines are fired as normal,except that instead of rolling to hit, roll on the following chart

    question: can I put a dog mine anti tank team in a Jeep?

    if so then that jeep can move 12 inches, the anti tank team can then disembarks and move 6 inches with an second order die and then can shoot the dog mine without any penalties for movement or inexperienced up to a range of 18 inches? this gives the dog mine a range of 36 inches?

    Stuart Harrison

    Nothing stops you putting the dog mine team in any transport, and as markers the actual dogs won’t count against transport capacity any more than a panzerfaust would.

    Your calculations about threat distance sounds right to me – transport advances, unit advances out of transport next available dice (or later if you’re feeling cocky) and fires an 18″ weapon.



    Your only real trouble is your loss of order dice

    if your opponent manages to kill the remaining inex dog handlers after they have fired and the jeep is now closer to the enemy, you loose 2 order dice.
    Also if you roll a 1, your jeep gets a new set of fury wings as the closest friendly vehicle

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Teafloy.
    Stuart Harrison


    “Also if you roll a 1, your jeep gets a new set of fury wings as the closest friendly vehicle” – not a risk in the same turn the jeep advances and the dog mine team disembark – a 1 can only hit ‘… the closest friendly stationary vehicle within range.’  As the jeep has moved that turn, it’s safe (assuming it hasn’t been halted by damage in the interim).


    @Stuart….. intresting take.  As the wording doesnt say nearest eligible vehicle, and its not being targeted I’ve always read it as the closest soviet vehicle irrespective of order die gets a dog run under it.  Kinda like how you pick a unit to be shot when your firing unit FUBARs…. the proximity is the only targeting restriction.

    Raf De Backer

    so if you move all your vehicles before releasing the dog mine, then if you roll a 1 nothing happens since there are no stationary vehicles on your side?

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