Soviet Lend Lease tanks

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  • #190618

    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Sorry if this has already been covered
    just wondering if they are going to added back into the list?

    I currently have a Churchill and Sherman both painted in Soviet colours and am struggling to get em in my army using the warlord app!

    Sherman has been used as a T-34 proxy, but the Churchill I’am stumped!

    • This topic was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by Mark.

    Lend-Lease stuff is probably going to wait till next October with the armies of book 🙁

    till then I’d use a British armoured pltn as a lend-lease armd pltn to add the Shermans & Churchills.  (British shermans can workout about 5pts more expensive than the US ones..)

    (I’ve already got my local clubs agreement to do that with my lend-lease shermans)



    been looking at trying to find a tank with the same pts in the Soviet list and using that as a proxy for now.

    luckily for me I’am the guy in charge of Bolt action at my local club so I can get away with ALOT!🤣

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