Spitfire models vs cards (and others)

Home Forums Historical Blood Red Skies Spitfire models vs cards (and others)

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  • #174109

    I see there are several versions of the Spitfire, some with visible differences but others that I cant see visible differences (Mk IX vs Mk XIV for example).
    Aside from “whatever goes in friendly games” is it intended to use the Mk IX models to field the Mk XIV planes?

    Mk XIV cards came with the RAF card expansion and not its own box of models.

    Same for some of the BF 109 models I think.

    So whats the intention, I know I can do whatever in my own casual games but will there be models for each of these different variants?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Marcus.

    The expansion packs provide cards for models that other manufactors make that WL arent intending to make for the near future for what ever reason, but wanted to include in the game.

    There are some packs which come with 2 different marks which only had slight changes so both those cards are offically for that model.

    (we’ll ignore the whole Yak model being a different mark to what the card is… 1B model isnt a 1 at all :p)


    Alrite tnx!

    A bit of a sidetrack here but when building the action deck, can you use more than one of a doctrine/theater card or do each have to be unique?

    For example, two copies of “Heavy Flak Presence” for the two theater cards?

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