Stars & Stripes vs the Crown

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  • #171508

    On Saturday, 9 November, I ran a scenario at Command Con in St. Louis Missouri. This was an 1813 scenario of the US East coast. An Royal Navy squadron attempting to enforce blockade attempt to prevent a American squadron from re-entering port.

    HMS Loepard 4th Rate Ship of the Line
    HMS Thetis 5th Rate Frigate
    HMS Isis 5th Rate Frigate
    HMS Sir Stanley Smith Brig

    USS Constitution 4th Rate Heavy Frigate
    USS Philadelphia 5th Rate Frigate
    USS Chesapeake 5th Rate Frigate
    USS Scourge Brig

    I used all generic ship cards, so force points were equal. Wind was from the east, seas were normal, no bonus or penalty. All crews were Regular. Game was played with 1/1000 scale models remounted on wooden bases, and using home made wake markers and turn templates.

    The USN was coming from the southern end of the board, and the RN from the North. There were multiple wind changes in the game. Turn 2 the wind became becalmed. Turn 3 the wind shift 1 point to the south-west. This wind shift put the USN in a disadvantage for a turn or two.

    HMS Leopard went around the east side of the large island and exchanged some shots with USS Constitution, with no damage advantage going to either ship. Constitution change course to the west and move between the islands supporting the other ships in her squadron. The other 3 RN ships cam down the center. These ships really fought the majority of the battle. The USN Brig stuck 1st, But Constitution recaptured the ship. HMS Smith was sunk but not before setting Constitution on fire. Meanwhile HMS Isis captured USS Chesapeake. The British clearly won this game. I have some photos, If I can figure out how to reduce the file size on them I’ll upload them.


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Lincolnlog.

    2nd attempt at photos.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Lincolnlog.

    Not sure why my photo’s won’t upload. They are smaller than 4 Meg.


    Trying to upload again.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Lincolnlog.

    4th Attempt to upload photos.

    Capt John Sparrow

    Microsoft picture manager gives you the option in edit to change picture (and thus file) size. Choose large or small web and you will probably drop from 4mb to 100kb.

    Am assuming you are loading them onto a photo hosting site like photobucket and trying to put the links in the text box?

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