Stop the Madness – Heroically over-sized Miniatures.

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  • #187230

    Does anyone else know about Kromlech miniatures? I just learned about them.


    Jim Ripley

    They are out of Poland . They make a lot of not “40K” Marine & Orc parts ( arms , legs ,heads , personal  weapons , artillery  etc ) as well as scenic bases for figures . I’m not a 40K guy but my buddies teenage boys are , and they love their bits for conversions . The pieces I’ve seen are well detailed and crisply molded resin .  The WW2 figures and vehicles look good and are on my to buy list . Where did you find the German figure ? The web site that I have bookmarked only shows WW2 Polish troops / vehicles

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Jim Ripley.

    If I recall, it was an ad in one of the hobby mags.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Kar98k.
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