Supplemental Books & New Equipment vs Tournaments

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  • #187750

    The newest FAQ does a great job of distinguishing what UNITS can be used in normal games and tournaments, but what about NEW EQUIPMENT, such as the ever so common rifle grenades that many nations used in WW2, can they be used in tournaments without special permissions? New equipment is generally in its own section in the books and there is little to no guidance on how they can be used in match play.


    richard zamudio

    Though I have  no answer to the query posed, the question of new items (weapons, units, or rules) has long been a problem for Bolt Action. If they are not designed for tournaments, why are they still being produced? I am really tired of seeing something new and then being told it will upset play balance or create some other issue. Either allow new things to be used or stop creating them.

    HellRaiser 7

    The  new (for example the rifle grenades) equipment should be listed in a squad list and if that squad has listed it can be used in Generic  Reenforced Platoon it should be good.
    What Unit are you talking about with Rifle Grenades?</p>

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by HellRaiser 7.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by HellRaiser 7.
    Stuart Harrison


    Re: ” If they are not designed for tournaments, why are they still being produced? I am really tired of seeing something new and then being told it will upset play balance or create some other issue. Either allow new things to be used or stop creating them.”

    You appear to have the polar opposite take on Theatre and Campaign books to that taken by Warlord themselves.

    From their FAQ re those books:

    “For this reason, when organising a Bolt Action tournament, we
    recommend to choose armies from the ‘Armies of ’ series of
    books only (as well as this Errata & FAQs PDF). The other
    books are more suitable for themed campaign days and other
    non-competitive events.”

    The intent of the theatre and campaign books appears to be that they are the place for ‘flavour’ and capturing the character of the different battles, not for tournament gaming.  Before there is any suggestion of changing that, I would hope to see a continuity editor go over all the books (Armies of books included) and sort out the various author differences/quirks and biases/outright errors, remove all free units, free abilities etc.  If you want it for tournament use, let’s make it tournament ready first.


    Strangely enough, French get grenade launchers in their army book and can use them even with just that book.

    richard zamudio

    The use of supplemental items is very arbitrary. I have seen, for example, chaplains being used in tournaments with nary a question being raised. I find it very frustrating to see certain items being allowed with a wink and a nod, yet other items not being allowed. It gives game consistency a very dubious foundation.

    HellRaiser 7

    Any tournaments I run or I’ve played in, Chaplains, Media Correspondents, heroes, etc aren’t allowed for the tournament and posted in the tournament rules.

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