Targeting weapon teams and artillery: On what needs line of sight to be drawn?

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    Hey guys,
    happy new year!

    During our last game, a question regarding whether the line of sight has to be drawn to e.g. the gun or the crew when attacking.
    And is there a differece between weapon teams, such as mortars or mg’s or artillery, like at-guns when targeting those?

    For cover, it is clear. The rules book states, that the crew’s position is checked.

    And for line of sight? Does the attacker need to see the weapon piece or is a crew member enough to target weapon teams or artilly?

    Would that be the case, these targeted units might not be able to return fire as the weapon might not see the attackers.
    Thats why the question occoured.

    Thank you very much in advance.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Andi.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Andi.

    As per the rulebook pg 157
    As described above, when firing a gun imagine you are looking through the sights of the gunner firing it. Try to look as closely as possible along the barrel of the gun itself.”

    Personally I tend to draw a line from the breach of the gun within its arc

    The exception to that is Indirect (mortars and howitzers) that have a spotter who ISNT inexpeiranced. If the weapon does have a spotter then they can use that models LoS instead of their own.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nat.

    Thank you, but the question is regarding the other way.
    The gun is the target.


    Ok sorry, then as you said it’ll follow the normal LoS rules. it can never be a small squad, the crew can’t claim the gun as cover and the lead crew can’t be claimed for exceptional damage by small arms fire.

    Edit sorted some things out! – and range is always measured to the centre of the gun (pg 96, physical book)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Nat.

    To summarise the artillery, when firing with or on the gun, only the bolt of the gun and not its servants, nor the other pieces of the gun are taken into account.
    For a covering it is considered only servants and not a gun
    And for the damage it’s something else

    Stuart Harrison

    “To summarise the artillery, when firing with or on the gun, only the bolt of the gun and not its servants, nor the other pieces of the gun are taken into account.”

    I think there is a false assumption in this.

    Drawing LOS from the gun is as you describe, from the breech of the gun along the barrel to a visible model in the target unit – p95, Artillery and Shooting, Line of Sight. There is nothing suggesting LOS to the artillery unit is any different than shooting at any other unit – each crew member and the gun are distinct models within the unit and if you can see a substantial part (not a peripheral part, as described p33) of ANY model in the unit you have LOS.


    So, to have line of sight to hit an artillery I have to see a member of the crew or the shield (wheels and cannon do not apply as for vehicles).
    To evaluate if there is coverage I have to see only the crew members, if 50% + 1 of the crew members are in cover.

    It’s right?

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