Timing of Artillery Declaring a Target and choosing indirect fire

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  • #188609
    Mark Prichard

    Wanting to clarify the timing on an artillery targeting an infantry unit, the unit going down and deciding if to shoot over the sights or indirect.  The rule states that the firing unit declares a target and then the targeted unit may go Down.  It does not say when an artillery may declare it is firing indirect.  This is important as an artillery could be hitting on 5’s over the sights but when the target goes Down it would be hitting on 6’s on 6’s.  So as read it sounds like the artillery would declare a target, if it went Down it could still fire indirect, or if it chose not to go down the artillery could fire over the sights.


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Mark Prichard.

    basically the timing is:
    you pull the order die and decide the gun is going to fire
    you pick what and how you are going to fire ie HE or AP, indirect or direct
    opponent decides to go down or not
    you measure range
    you roll the dice.* (including to see if hit by the FAOs artillery strike)

    basically the timing of how you are going to shoot is the same step as deciding what you are going to shoot – and to do that you need to know what you are loading (HE or AP) and firing parabollicly (indirect) of over open sights

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Nat.
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