Transport Vehicles

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Transport Vehicles

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Mike.
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  • #179294

    Hi all, just browsing through Armies of GB, and have a query. It’s probably answered in MRB, but have lent that out, so any info greatly appreciated. –


    If I can take a Bren carrier as transport  for each infantry section, but the carrier can only carry 5, can I take 2 carriers for two sections but allocate both carriers to one section at the beginning of the game?

    Or am I limited to 5 man sections?



    Master Chief

    Page 115 of 2nd Edition:

    Transport vehicles can carry infantry units up to a specified maximum number of men. A single vehicle can transport any number of entire units so long as the total number of models aboard does not exceed the vehicle’s carrying capacity. A unit cannot be divided between two or more transports.


    Thank you, half expected that!



    Stuart Harrison

    Master Chief is correct by the base rules.  There is an optional rule on p217, Transport Units, that you might like to read and discuss with your opponent once you have access to your MRB again – it allows you to field multiple transports as a single unit with a combined transport capacity, but is not in play by default.


    Thanks Stuart, will look into that.




    Obviously the way you get around this rule is to have two five man fire teams and say they are a squad and have two transports. That’s generally how it was doen when I was in mechanized infantry. One fire team in one Brad and another fire team in the other. Due to us being chronically undermanned, each platoon only had one over strength squad of either two big fire teams or two teams and a hunter killer team riding in a third Brad.

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