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  • #173411

    Hi all!

    After a few games under our belt, my gaming group added the last element from the main core of rules last night – transports.

    we were a bit confused about the rule regarding passengers and vehicles having seperate dice. Most situations weren’t a problem, but how do you play out the following –

    My die is drawn, so I decide to advance one of my transports, carrying a unit of troops. I move (advance) and open fire with more than one Lmg mounted on the transport. The troops want to disembark when my next die is drawn.

    Do I pull out a second die to be able to fire with all the transports weapons or is the fact I have troops in the back enough to allow me to shoot?
    Pulling an extra die from the bag would obviously prevent me from doing anything else with the troops in the back,so is it indeed possible to advance the transport, fire all guns AND disembark in the same turn?


    Stuart Harrison

    Firing the transport’s weapons is done entirely with the transport’s activation, the passengers just need to be there.

    It doesn’t matter if they’ve already acted (ie: they just boarded using a run order) and if they haven’t they can still act when you draw your next – or a later – die (ie: advance to dismount and fire their own weapons).


    Just a little note…. medics dont count as being transported for when you want to work out if you can fire extram weapons on the transport. They are prevented from using ANY weapons.


    Thanks folks.

    Jan Doernte

    I need clarification on an item that resulted in a house-rule during one of my last games-

    An armored halftrack transport (+7) hit from the side- does it have a -1 modifier (6 to penetrate) and -2 from the rear (5 to penetrate)
    or is it +7 all around? (As I imagine it is)

    It seems ridiculous to me that a armored carrier has less armor than a soft skin- if hit from behind- and is equal to a softskin from the side.

    And also a Luchs (or any +8 light tank)- it has an armor rating of +6 from behind? (basically a softskin?)

    I would imagine +7 as an absolute minimum or all armored vehicles-

    I searched the rulebook cover to cover and couldn’t figure this one out.

    Thanks in advance!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Jan Doernte.

    Yes you are correct that the side & rear modifiers do apply to all vehicles with a Damage Value of 7+ or more.

    However remember that only heavy weapons get this modifier….

    So an AT Rifle (+2 Pen) at long range against the side will be
    D6 +1 +2 -1 needing to beat 7… So needs a 5+ on that dice. (the +1 is shots against the side, the +2 is the AT Rifles PEN modifier the -1 is the long range modifier for none HE weapons)

    A SMG shooting the rear of the APC is still hits = 1 PIN and no roll to damage. As small arms cant hurt armoured vehicles

    EDIT – the SMG can only add a pin to the armoured vehicle if its open toped (or fired a pintel mount MG outside of flack). Against all outher armoured vehicles small arms do nothing!

    Compare the two examples to against a truck (DV6+)…
    The AT rifle will hurt it on a D6 + 2 from any angle so just needs a 4+.
    The SMG will hurt it on a 6.

    The other thing to remember is glancing hits only happens against armoured vehicles…
    That AT rifle hurting the APC on a roll of a 5 only equals the DV so rolls D6-3 on the vehicle damage table. on the other hand the SMG who rolls a 6 against a truck blows it up on a 4+

    EDIT 2 – missed off the +1 Modifier for side shots.. sorry!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Nat.
    Jan Doernte

    Wow! So I’ve been playing that wrong!
    Love the help Nat! Thanks!

    I guess thinking about this as part of a game system with coherent vehicle rules- it makes sense…

    Although I seriously doubt any halftrack (US, Hanomag, or other) had variable armor thickness in reality. If it had only 10 or 15mm armor plate- I’m fairly certain is was the same all the way around.

    Best regards


    yeah some of the key rules are just a single sentance in a strange place…

    Ive found thinking of its as a hollywood style game based on WW2 rather than a historical simulation helps!

    As to the side /top & rear modifiers… they arent so much just thinkness of the armour but rather it includes easy it is to damage a target be it by damaging the tracks /wheels OR causing the door hinges to fly off etc etc. Its a playable game rather than a chart fest :p…

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Nat.
    Stuart Harrison

    The pen modifiers on p107 apply anytime you have a heavy weapon firing at an armoured target. There is no exception for lightly armoured vehicles – that situational overlap with soft skins is just one of those things about Bolt Action you either accept or house rule an alternative.

    “and also a Luchs (or any +8 light tank)- it has an armor rating of +6 from behind? (basically a softskin?)” having a damage target number of 6+ after application of the pen modifiers isn’t the same as being a soft skin – that soft skin can never benefit from superficial damage while the armoured vehicle hit from behind can. The soft skin also can’t benefit from the long range pen modifier – it’s always going to take the full pen of the same heavy weapon, plus being vulnerable to small arms. Swings and roundabouts…

    Jan Doernte

    I was making the comparison to soft-skin ratings too simplistic.
    Of course this written above is a more logical way to think about it.

    “having a damage target number of 6+ after application of the pen modifiers isn’t the same as being a soft skin – that soft skin can never benefit from superficial damage while the armoured vehicle hit from behind can. The soft skin also can’t benefit from the long range pen modifier – it’s always going to take the full pen of the same heavy weapon, plus being vulnerable to small arms.”

    I gotta say- I love the responsiveness of the community here!

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