Troops With Mountaineering and Assaults

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  • #167995
    Mark Prichard

    Mountaineering allows a squad to treat rough terrain as clear terrain. So when assaulting mountaineering would allow a charge through intervening rough terrain at the regular run rate but does it also cancel the target units defensive position if the unit is in rough terrain thus allowing the Mountain troops to attack first and not simultaneous?

    Eric T Holmes

    Mark: I can’t seem to find the reference for this rule, considering I have a pretty long list of “special rules” and “national rules” written up. I might have missed this one. Roll sixes! Eric

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Eric T Holmes.
    Mark Prichard


    I don’t have my book with me so I will look at it tonight and get the reference. I do know it is referenced in the Duel in the Sun supplement for French North African troops as well a French Camel corp I just don’t know what page. Also it is part of the selection on Easy Army for the Free French Brigade, North African troops have Mountaneers which allows: “This unit may treat all rough ground as open ground”.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Mark Prichard.
    Stuart Harrison

    From a 2015 article:

    All infantry units in this list, and the Mule team (even when ‘towing’ artillery), treat all rough ground as open ground. The players should discuss and agree before the game if the gaming table includes some terrain that they think this rule should not apply to, like water features and other terrain elements that obviously mountain troops would have no advantage in crossing.

    Also appears p122, Campaign, Battle of the Bulge referring back to the above article.

    invisible officer

    Not to forget that mountain troops rule cost 1pt per man , like on p. 106/107 of the Bulge book.

    Mark Prichard

    Yes, Stuart. But does that ability cancel the defensive position rule for assaults where the defending unit is in terrain?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Mark Prichard.
    Stuart Harrison

    Why wouldn’t it?

    As far as that unit is concerned, the terrain they assaulted over is open, not rough ground, and their movement hasn’t been reduced. The conditions for defensive terrain to kick in haven’t been met.

    That’s why it’s important to discuss what terrain they will treat as open and what will still impede them before you start the game.

    Mark Prichard

    No I get the necessary discussion about terrain. I put the same question up on reddit and got the opposite answer. That intervening terrain would be treated as clear but the terrain that the unit is in would still be considered for defensive position.

    I actually agree with you because Bolt Action does have a bit of rock, paper, scissor about it and it seems that his skill would trump terrain period. However. it is always a point of contention so I was hoping to get clarification.

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