Unit sizes for Colonials

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    I’ve been using the ‘Hail Caesar’ rules for some time. They’re very good IMO.

    I decided to buy the ‘Black Powder’ rules & possibly expand the ‘family’ across more eras of our gaming.

    We do the Sudan & AZW. The rules we use are a heavily amended TMWWBK’s set.  Our basing is for individual figures on movement trays & we don’t want to radically re-organise this.

    Essentially, we have British etc infantry in units of 12 figures (2 rows) on rectangular trays @ 14cms wide. native infantry are in units of 20 figures, on an irregular tray @ 170cms wide.

    All other unit types are commensurate with this.

    I can’t see why I couldn’t declare the native units to be Large & the British Standard?

    Clearly, at some time soon I should run a trial game but I thought I’d ask here if I’m completely off the rails.



    • This topic was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by Donald.
    • This topic was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by Donald.
    Charge The Guns

    That should work fine, Donald 👍.



    Thanks. I imagine a skirmish unit would then be 6 figures.

    And, in melee, if everything lines up, you should be able to get two Standard units hitting a Large unit.

    I’ll run a solo game to iron things out, then invite a few of my more patient pals for a few games before “releasing it to the general public.”


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