Units within 6 inches of a breaking unit

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    If a unit breaks after failing a break test, do other units within 6 inches of the breaking unit have to take a break test also ????

    I think I read that they do but I cannot find where I read it…..silly I know….

    Can u please answer



    Supporting units – pg 70, units within 6″ may support a unit in combat

    pg 77 break tests – Supporting units test if the unit that they where supporting fails its break test.

    So its a conditional units within 6″ of a breaking unit need to test. – hope that helps.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Nat.
    Garry Wills

    and the units test whether they actually supported the combat or not, they just have to be within the 6inches.


    Sorry, Garry, I have to respectfully call you on the reply above where you say a unit “supports the combat or not” within a 6″ circle.

    Units that do not support a unit within 6″ do not make a break test. Only units that support a unit that breaks make the test. The rules are on page 70 for supports and page 78 for support break tests in BP2ed. This is just as Nat pointed out.

    The only exceptions to that are if the unit that breaks is artillery or tiny. In that case, the support unit doesn’t have to make a break test (and again, another exception, that’s if the support unit isn’t tiny itself, in which case it would make the test.)

    However, Garry, I reserve the right to be wrong, and If you can point out in the rules where I am I’ll happily take correction.



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by George.
    Garry Wills


    I like these forums because we always have the opportunity to learn about the games we love. However on page 78 at the bottom of the first paragraph it reads ‘For purposes of this test, supporting units are considered to be such if they are theoretically  able to support regardless of whether they actually contribute a support bonus or note.’ Hence my comment.

    Best regards


    And I humbly and happily stand corrected, Garry. Thanks for pointing that out.

    So, that means any unit that could lend support, wither it does or not, has to make a break test. Yes.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by George.
    Garry Wills

    Yes the example given following my quotation spells it out. Yesterday, I refought Venta del Pozo and the French lost a third of their force when a squadron of Gendarmes broke, quickly followed by both supports! Three scores of 4 or less in a row!

    Best regards


    Big Al

    Actually, George, Garry is correct. A unit that is within 6 inches of a unit that breaks from combat must take a break test, regardless of whether it was used as support or not. See page 78 of BP2 paragraph at the bottom of the first column.


    Would the list of units on page 70 apply. E.G. Artillery cannot be supported, so if they break in melee no-one else needs to take a break test. Similarly, a unit already in combat cannot provide support, so should not test for another unit nreaking in combat?

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