Upcoming WW2???

Home Forums Historical Blood Red Skies Upcoming WW2???

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  • #166875
    James Boyd

    My Korean era jets have arrived, but when will Warlord fill in all that’s missing in WW2? We need SBD’s, P-40’s, TBF’s, Helldivers, Hellcats, KI-44’s, KI-84’s, etc just for the Pacific. Are there BETA cards out there being tested on any of these? I understand that there’s a Facebook page for BRS, but some of us don’t use Facebook and this is Warlord’s Forum for BRS, right? I’ve seen rumors of a release in September, what’s in it?


    I’d like to see some Italian and more Pacific planes as well.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Bruce.

    Don’t worry James, warlord have said that they have plenty in the works. They’re not planning on dropping the WWII theatre, they just wanted to expand the game.

    I’m not sure why they did this so early on in the games life, but whatever, doesn’t bother me personally.

    From what I understand is that they are planning on introducing the Me 262 soon. So that may be the reason why they decided to release some Korea jets.


    I’m with you Bruce; I’d like to see some Italian planes released as well. In fact, I’d love to whip up a few Spanish civil war scenarios.


    The planned release schedule for 2019 has quite a lot on there – P40, P47, Me262, Me109G are all well advanced however the decision to switch to resin has caused a bit of a delay. That really is a good thing as the resin will be great for the game. Next year the plan is to move over to the PTO more with a new starter based on Midway plus supporting planes


    re mig alley being released… it kinda makes sense that you write the rules of the end of the jet + canon age the scale backwards to get the early jets level and feel…

    then you dont get the issue that BRS has with bi-planes :p

    So if you’ve created the rules why not release them?


    I buyed the card-set with the additional japanese planes, which are very useful.
    One question regarding the Ki-61 Hien: Obviously the card represents an early version like the Ki-61 I OTSU (equipped with 4x 12mm guns) because of the firepower value of 1.
    The Ki-61 HEI replaced the 2 12mm guns in the wings with the excellent german Mauser-151-20mm cannons. So it has 2x12mm and 2x20mm. The Ki-61 TEI had the same setting like the HEI but used japanese build Ho-105 20mm cannons instead of the german Mauser.
    How would a card of these KI-61 HEI or TEI version look like?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Babek.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Babek.

    Like you, I don’t do Facebook. I’m going ahead an purchasing Hellcats and SBDs and coming up with my own stats.


    Zombie thread Alert
    Hellcat and SBD are due for release in the summer.

    Here is the post on The Ready Room about 2020 releases


    Pe 2\3 Squadron and Ace sets

    Ju88C Squadron and Ace sets

    Summer New Midway Starter box inc A6M2 (renders seen) & F4F (assumption this is just a material switch) – both in resin

    Carrier Bomber sets – these are planned as matched pairs containing three of each aircraft in the box. The idea is to use up as few release “slots” as possible. All resin

    B5N & D3A,

    SBD,& TBD – renders seen

    Others mentioned but nothing official on date P39 (early renders seen) , F6F (renders seen), G4M, B25, P38 (renders seen), Tempest. Fighters will have associated Aces but probably not bombers. All will be resin. Transfer of current metal kits to resin as and when capacity allows .

    edit He111 has also been mentioned……………………

    edit – Shooting Star and Panther confirmed for Mig Alley (renders seen)

    edit – Vietnam (current project name Rolling Thunder) possible for Winter 2020 F4, Mig 21 and or Mig 17…..and maybe a Mirage III for Arab Israeli”

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