US Airborne Hand Carts

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  • #148386
    Wilber Olive

    I purchased the US Airborne Hand Carts for my airborne force and have two questions.

    1. Why do they have an MP40 sub machine gun on them amongst the other items in the cart?
    (take a look at the pictures in the above link for those that don’t own them)

    2. What do you use them for in game? Are there rules specifically for them somewhere?

    Dr Dave

    They’ve captured / recovered / borrowed it. 🙂

    Charge The Guns

    “Borrowed” ! 😀

    Dr Dave

    There’s always a possibility that the rightful owner might want it back. I’m not suggesting his request would be successful, but he could ask?

    Stuart Harrison

    Can’t see any particular use for them in game except as objectives or thematic table dressing – you don’t monitor ammo usage in this game except for one shot weapons (which the US and Brits don’t have) so a mobile ammo supply isn’t relevant to the game.


    I purchased the US Airborne Hand Carts for my airborne force and have two questions.

    1. Why do they have an MP40 sub machine gun on them amongst the other items in the cart?
    (take a look at the pictures in the above link for those that don’t own them)

    Why the MP40? Well, that’s easy:
    1) it is supposed to be a captured weapon, or
    2) the person making the piece made a mistake.

    Depending on the craft tools you have, it is easy to remove said item from the piece. Then add something different or leave it as is.

    2. What do you use them for in game? Are there rules specifically for them somewhere?

    For Bolt Action, I use them for objectives or game table decoration.

    For Chain of Command, they can be used as decorative Jump Off Points.

    invisible officer

    You need one to transport Marion Mitchell Morrison.

    They make a nice objective. And historically all forces collected enemy automatic arms. Some even paid a reward.
    If you are behind enemy lines its obvious clever to have some spare arms and amo.

    Wilber Olive

    Thanks everyone. All your replies confirmed what I already thought.

    Wilber Olive

    I was thinking of coming up with some house rules for the hand carts to actually make them a functional part of the game. For example, allowing them to be moved by a unit with at least two models or a vehicle with the tow ability. Then any unit that has lost one or more models and ends its turn with a model within 1″ of the hand cart may use the hand cart to “resupply” allowing them to gain back lost models. Maybe just one model or maybe D3 models, not sure… would need to be play tested for balance. The hand cart could have just one use and is discarded, or maybe a few uses before it is discard, not sure. Then I’d just need to come up with a points cost for a hand cart. Kind of acts like a more powerful (stationary) version of a medic in a way. Any ideas to improve on this or what a reasonable point cost might be?

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