US M2 half-track

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    i want to use a M2 half-track (Armies of US, page 49) as a tow, but i can’t find a model to buy, nor any other models that can be changed.
    This model is a realy good alternative to assault troops because of its pintle-mounted HMG and the optional 360 degree MMG.

    Any ideas how i can build this one?


    Jim Ripley

    The M2 didn’t have the rear crew door , and it was about 8 inches shorter in length than the M3 . I would forget about the length issue and use a Rubicon M3 as base for a kit bash . 1st , plate over ( putty / sand ) rear door . 2nd , being that the Rubicon kit gives you the internal seats and over track internal bits ( radios , storage bins , fuel tanks ) , I would cut them up to match the picture I’m using as inspiration . Note some M2s had side doors for ammo bins depending on the weapon towed , so you might have to scribe them on . Note Rubicon’s plastic is much harder than Warlord’s so use a new sharp blade and be careful


    Great thx for the reply.
    Any idea how to create the pintle mounted HMG and the 360 degree MMG?
    Especially the MMG, i think that should reside somewhere in the middle of the back to shoot 360 degree?
    I didn’t find a picture of a M2

    Jim Ripley

    Look up M2 Half Track Interior on Google , lots of pictures there . The Rubicon kit gives you the 50 cal on the post mount as well a four 30 cals to mount around the hull sides . If your taking about the I beam skate mount ( 360″ around the interior of the hull ) , you’re going to have to make that yourself , IRC that was an early war design which they deleted in favor of static mounts on the sides ( it partially covered the upper side door frames making it a b*tch to exit the vehicle in a hurry unless you went over the sides ). Squadron/Signal has a good M2/M3 Half Track walk around book with lots of pictures of museum and restored collectors vehicles , should cost under $20 US

    Fred Cartwright

    Anyscale Models are about to release the M2A1. It was one of the recent set of allied models from a recent Kickstarter. Might be worth contacting them to see what it goes on general sale.


    thx great, will check that out


    I modified mine to make an M4 mortar or M2 (without the mortar)
    the first photo is a modified scout car with the same basic model

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by cornet.
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by cornet.
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