US paras paint colors

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  • #187102
    Fred Brannan

    I’m trying to match the color for US paras in Normandy-the ones with the light green uniform and the darker green elbow and knee patches. Everything I find is either too brown or too dark of a green. What would any of you care to recommend? Other than, you know, saying ‘screw it’ and switching over to Japs.


    In Normandy us aurborne uniforme arent greenish, but something like yellow/sand.

    I use colors that I already have, armypainter hemp rope (you can use vallejo middlestone too) and bazooka green, then army painter quick shade and uniform is ok, nobody see difference.

    If uou want more precise colors take a look here

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Steeljackal.

    I attach some photos I took in Normandy, they are original uniforms. As uniforms are old, the original colors may have been more saturated.

    I am also attaching some photos of miniatures (one is self made Lt Winter) quickly painted with the colors I indicated earlier.

    Attention Span Labs

    I think you are talking about the M1942 uniforms. Here is how I painted mine (not so great picture included):

    1. Basecoat spray paint with Rustoleum Camouflage Light Army Green. Get good coverage, because otherwise you’ll have to try to paint match. This looks perfect, IMO, once washed.
    2. Pouches, webbing, backpacks, and helmet foliage strips with Vallejo Pastel Green (you can also use Vallejo Khaki or Iraqi Sand. In this case, use an appropriate wash)
    3. Elbow/Knee patches with Vallejo Gunship Green
    4. Wash all greens with Citadel Athonian Camo Shade.
    5. Boots Vallejo Chocolate Brown. Wash with Citadel Agrax Earthshade or similar.
    6. Light dry brush with Vallejo Iraqi Sand for highlight detail and dust.
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