v3 Known Changes

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    Thought I make a list here of known changes and where the information is coming from!  Please add when you notice something and I’ll update the list.

    Campaign books wont be replaced, but will only be useful for history and the scenarios – New Edition Announcement Article April
    Most units, equipment options from the campaign books will be added in to the core rules or Armies of… books – New Edition Announcement Article April
    Armies of…. books to be released quarterly with new models – German book announcement
    German army book due release January – German book announcement
    American army book due release April – Amazon prime preorder
    Points are changing -New Edition Announcement Article April
    The default pltn has become 6, more routed in historical actuality – Article July
    Default points will be 1250 – Jugganaughts podcast
    Cover saves are in – Infiltration rule
    Green rule has changed and been made clearer – screen shot from rulebook web item
    Engineers now have a rule that’s combined stuff from a couple of campaign books – screen shot from rulebook web item
    There’s a new rule called infiltrators which does stuff – screen shot from the rulebook web item
    MMGs and HMGs now have a base of 6 shots – cards seen in the pre-order 2 player set.

    Thanks Nat! This is very helpful. The cover saves rule sounds interesting.

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