V3 NEW platoon composition!

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    ” Yeah, Steve, a lone tank is an oddity. We’ve just been allowed to do it for so long and now we’re all getting our lollipops taken away like naughty children.” Well I guess that’s one way to put it lol. Although a historical oddity, having one tank was nice, especially if you were building your list around an expensive one.

    Yeah I never thought of it that way, essentially flamethrowers are locked behind a “paywall” now. No criticism intended in point 4, I was just proposing a point of discussion. I guess maybe they moved the flamer team to engineer platoons, because if a flamethrower was available in a rifle platoons then nobody would take engineers? Or maybe to stop the flamethrower spam at tournements?  Or maybe just historical reasons, typically flamethrowers were only part of engineer platoons. (barring US Marines) I see how it could be problematic for v2 players, now their flamethrower team is difficult to include. Alas, another one of the “history vs. fun” conundrums, running a single flame team is fun but mostly inaccurate.

    Yeah I can’t wait to see how the new theater selectors shape up. But poor Gregg at easyarmy, now he’s got to start from scratch…

    Good point, I would assume they are part of the engineer platoons? Maybe with some special rules added.



    Also the other things to consider

    1) default game size (example lists & play test point) as confirmed by marcion the juggernauts podcast this week) is 1250

    2) (as said by the author in April in the release article) there’s wide scale re-pointing and rule changes


    Marcus also said don’t use v2 rules and points to see what a v3 list will look like!

    • This reply was modified 1 day, 10 hours ago by Nat.


    I am wondering if the new points change will mean units will generally go up in price, down in price, or mixed. (some get more expensive and some get cheaper) My gut tells me that it will be mixed. People complained about heavy tanks being overcosted, and now they let you bring a minimum of 2 tanks+ a rifle platoon at 1250 points if you want…. Another question on my mind about the new points cost is if games will be physically bigger at 1250 points.

    And of course, all of our thoughts and assumptions are based off the old v2 points system, which Bolt Action as we know it could be an entirely different game in v3.


    Edit: Removed the part where I used the v2 points to make a theoretical v3 platoon. Because I misread Nat’s typo.

    • This reply was modified 2 days, 10 hours ago by Aidan.
    • This reply was modified 1 day, 6 hours ago by Aidan.

    Sorry it was don’t use the v2 points


    Oh ok I was a bit confused, thanks!

    Then I went out and did the exact opposite of what you said lol.


    my typo, now changed, I did say do use v2 first off… oops!


    Haha yeah… It’s all good.

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