Ver 3

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  • #167454

    Have heard a rumour V3 on way any truth in it

    Stuart Harrison

    Discussed a couple of times recently on Facebook (multiple rumours posted by the same person across a few groups)

    recent facebook discussion

    Roy H Anderson

    God I hope not. I am very tired of constant new versions of games every other year. It drove me away from WH40K and Flames of War.


    haha, i saw this fly by on facebook. i would welcome a soft reboot. I wouldnt want BA to change to much, it is such an excellent game. ‘But maybe, since we’re on topic… ;)’:

    – get rid of templates. they complicate the game.
    – revisit national traits. They often don’t scale well nor are balanced.
    – revisit multi-launchers. overpowered point/power ratio.
    – get rid of Pz4 “Tigerfear”. overpowered point/power ratio.
    – revisit


    SPG’s/Tank destroyers point costs. (Way!) Under-powered when compared to their turreted counterparts.
    – revisit inexperienced infantry. not worth their points compared to regulars and veterans in most cases.
    – revisit infantry MMG teams. under-powered point/power ratio.
    – revisit the Stuart 23MGshot + light AT + Recce + X<200point.
    – have pins impact indirect shooting units.
    – revisit vehicle cover rules. way to much discussion.
    – allow generic trucks etc across nations to transport and tow the same generic assets.

    – revisit tank-platoon rules to make them eligible in competitive play along infantry platoons.
    – revisit named characters, planes, special terrain etc to balance for competitive play.
    – I’d love to see some form of ‘strategy cards’ on a sidedeck that allow for special gimmicks of whatever form. EG: ‘this turn one infantry unit may re-roll all to-hit rolls when firing its weapons. one use only’. Maybe drawn at random from a shared deck so to avoid cheating etc. i know this is tough, but i know its great fun and adds surprising depth to strategy games.

    – revisit Flamethrowers to misfire more easily or reduce damage to make them less frown upon/less frustrating.
    – revisit vehicle flamethrowers to only 6″ range.
    – get rid of inexperienced multi-launchers, medium & heavy mortars, anything else firing exclusively(!) indirectly. unbalanced with current range-in rules IMHO.
    – revisit the light AT’s range. not worth its points compared to med AT, light howitzer or heavy auto canon. 36″ short would fix IMHO.
    – get rid of ‘hidden’ rules. i get the idea, cool fluff, but effectively only achieves one thing: slow down first 2 turns of game to a drag.
    – implement water-vehicles in everyday gameplay. has to stay off field but maybe enable transported unit to come from rear eg.
    – implement more tank movement options, allowing for side scraping, digging in (western desert eg) in everyday play.

    Rex Withers

    No not for a while, the official word:

    Link to vid


    I’d rather they did a Vol 2, of all the armies of… books (bar Germany who’ve got one). Especially if more of the old theater books stuff can get moved across (Gimmie my Wasp in Armies of Great Britain already!!!!).

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Brochtree.

    Change FG42, is an automatic rifle not an assault rifle!!!

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