Waterloo Starter Kit

Home Forums Historical Black Powder Waterloo Starter Kit

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  • #178185

    Hi all,

    I have just recently bought the Waterloo Starter kit second addition and was wondering if anyone had any painting guides for this or where I can get some?

    The kit consists of:

    British Line Infantry (Covered Shakos)

    French Line Infantry (In great coats)

    Chausser a Cheval

    Royal Artillery cannon

    French and British foot commanders


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Jamie.

    A rather generic idea ..would be… all of the men would be european flesh colour

    British line Infantry – black shakos, dark red tunics with (colour -dependant on regiment, a number of regiments had yellow and is a nice contrast to the red coat ) facings, white /grey trousers, white straps with light brown packs and ammo case on the belt, black shoes and waiste belt, grey roll on top of the packs

    French Line Infantry – black shakos /grey covers, grey great coats, white/grey trousers or brown (mix it up..), white straps with light brown packs and ammo case on the belt, black shoes and waiste belt,

    Chasser a cheval – black head-dress, green tunics and trousers with a yellow or red piping

    royal Artillery crew – black head-dress (*black crests) with white plumes, dark blue/black tunics with yellow/gold lace, grey trousers

    commanders – as infantry (dark/navy blue tunic for the frenchmen)

    guns – wood & dull metal grey


    for more detailed approach google with which colour palatee you have (ie  army painter, warlord paint set etc)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Nat.

    Hi Nat,

    Thank you for this, I spoke to someone on Facebook and they sent me a link to a website that had the full Waterloo order of battle with uniform guides for each regiment.





    ooh do share!




    i don’t speak French, but if you clip on units and the national flag you want on the screen after that and select say Infantry de ligne it will give you a list. Click the unit you want and the uniforms. Example attached.

    Anthony Miles

    This website in french has a lot of good uniform information http://centjours.mont-saint-jean.com/

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