Weapons question from K47 noob

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  • #187314
    Jacob Carter

    Could anyone give me a rundown of the difference between a super-heavy AT vs a heavy rail gun?  I’ve ordered both the main rules and defiance books, but would like to order a Zeus before any potential price hikes.  I’m just not sure if it’d be better to order the rail gun or AT version (wish they sold individual turrets)

    Also, after reading resurgence, is it true SH-AT only has a d3 HE profile? Coming from BA, I’d expect it to be at least d6. Gonna be a tough pill to swallow, I loved deleting squads with a FlaK 37 or panther


    The difference between super-heavy AT (SH-AT) and heavy rail gun (HRG) is that SH-AT shares same rules what other AT guns have (being one with longest range and highest PEN value out in the AT gun line), while HRG is a rail gun…


    HRG is like SH-AT without “HE D3” and cannot suffer PEN drop for shooting in a long range… and after each shot a D6 must be rolled, on a 1 the weapon may only fire at half it’s normal PEN value (rounding up) in the following turn. Further more, Rail Guns can collapse buildings (requires 2D6 roll for +11 to collapse a building).

    I believe the reason for SH-AT having “HE D3” is because it is an “AT gun”… and AT guns are for killing armored targets than mere infantry. Howitzer artillery cannons are more for “softening” it’s targets with their high HE D6+ dice rolls, due to their bigger payloads (155mm etc. compared to Tiger’s 88).

    So there ya have it.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by SenInt.
    Jacob Carter

    I appreciate the response man!  I did end up getting the rest of the rule books a while ago and ended up getting the AT gun version of the Zeus.

    After thinking about it I had decided to use BA 2nd edition weapon profiles for all “normal” weapons.  It’s just what I’m used to playing, and it allows firing a tanks main gun at infantry to have a good risk/reward. Plus, I also plan to (as long as my opponent agrees) allow almost any unit from the Armies of… books to be included , so long as you can imagine that unit still being used in ‘47.  I know, not necessarily in the rules, but I think the game’ll be more fun that way 🙂


    You are welcome.

    I know that feel of using other written rules, as I personally prefer the “experimental rules of alternate Finnish” for ’47 (due to the official ’47 Finns feeling more like “Germans with forest paint/texture” instead of being their own faction with own goals and agenda).

    Further more, using BA 2nd ed doesn’t sound that bad of an idea… since K’47 rules are kinda “1.5 ed.”

    Good thing that the ebooks are cheaper than the hardbacks, and faster to get.

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