Western Desert Sahariana questions

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  • #149589

    Page 141 – Sahariana Patrol – refers to “Sahariana medium mortar team”, but page 142 only lists a light mortar team. What are the points for medium? Since normal light regular is 35 and Sahariana (Tough Fighters) light regular is 40 (5pts more), should the Sahariana (Tough Fighters) medium be 50 + 5 = 55pts?

    Page 147 – vehicles for Arditi X
    – when referring to the AS37 and the transports, it says “(see page 143). Must be taken as Regular.” However, only Veteran is listed on page 143. Did they mean “taken as Veteran” in both cases? Since the rest of the Patrol is Veteran, it doesn’t seem to make any sense that these would be Regular.

    Page 143 – Transports – SPA AS37 or Similar Captured vehicle – listed as 78pts for a Veteran unarmed, unarmoured (6+) transport for 8 men, with a +35pt upgrade to 7+ armour. However, a Veteran “Truck” (6+, 12 men) only costs 47pts. An Autoprotetto S37 (page 28 Armies of Italy) is 7+, carries 8 men, and is 73 points. The SPA AS37 rules for upgrading also mention “loses the ‘Deflate those tyres!’ trait” even though it’s not mentioned. It seems like the base cost should be closer to 73pts minus 35pt (armour) + 5pts (Deflate those tyres)= 43 points, though this is 4 points less than a 47pt veteran Truck though. Can someone confirm the correct point cost, and any other special rules it might have?



    Also, page 143 Autocarro Sahariano AS37 Gun Truck. Base points look OK, but the Anti-tank rifle is listed as +50pts, the same as a light anti-tank gun! On page 27 of Armies of Italy the “Sahariana” anti-tank rifle upgrade only costs +15pts which seems more reasonable. Is there any errata for Western Desert yet??

    Stuart Harrison

    Errata only seems to come out once per year (January) – are you friends with Alessio on facebook? You may be able to get at least a provisional answer by messaging him there, or at least get your issue flagged for the errata when it does come out.

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