What do YOU want to see in Bolt Action v3?

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    Stuart Harrison

    @Mark G, I’m not a fan of major buffs to HE, especially when HE was already so good vs AP in first edition that they decided to up the HE values of the big AT guns to balance the points better. I’m doubly against it when those suggested buffs don’t come with a suggested cost increase.

    HE vs smoke mechanics – smoke has a persistent effect on the game after it lands, so it’s relevant where it misses. HE simply misses, you have failed your dice roll and it lands somewhere with no effect on the game. You don’t get a second bite of the cherry to damage an enemy, and Bolt Action mechanics for finding out a friendly unit was in your danger area (ie: multiple rocket launcher rules) is that you have wasted the shot. Someone on the gun line has yelled ‘STOP, STOP, STOP!’.

    Your suggestion with the experience levels and indirect fire may have some merit, but rather than starting the buffs at regular, which is already a buff over inexperienced by having access to a spotter in the first place, why not start it at veteran? That way your veterans are going from a 1 in 6 chance of a first round hit to a 1 in 3 chance, not a fifty/fifty. Improving the start point also has a flow on effect due to the subsequent hitting on a 2+ if you’ve already scored a hit, so you are more than tripling the likely impact of that veteran unit by starting at 4+.

    First point last (if you’ve read this far 😉 ) – if you’re really after ‘reality’, most of these indirect HE weapons are off-board in a game on this scale, particularly for the attacker.

    Mark G

    Fair comments. would like to see getting some benefit from a higher tier unit with a spotter. but agree with your other comments as would be a bit over powered.

    Robert a maxwell

    <p style=”text-align: center;”>For me what I would love to see in the new variant of fault action version 3.</p>
    I would love to see more flexibility in Army builder of HQ troops artillery tanks specialised and unique weapons. Would like to see a way I can take more of it as a organisation chart where there is some restrictions of 3 the rule of three, so not lock in to a pre-built scenario templates and even the reinforcement Platoon template is limiting. Be cool to see it get expanded on.

    Plus all the army factions you can use be really nice to see their books up to date and rewritten showing clear indication on what you can take how many points that costs add any upgrades.



    Well the way platoons are going to be constructed is changing (how we dont know yet)

    Plus all the V3 armies of… Books will be bringing in most units from the campaign books – some units will be left to specific campaigns only…h


    This was confirmed in the announcement articles 


    I’d dig bringing HE back to dice-roll number of hits, but with a maximum number of hits equal to the number of models in a unit (templates are more ambiguous, but dice-roll hits mean that HE is often better than AT at taking down an armored vehicle.)

    Nigel C

    I’d like to see a bit more nuance in vehicle stats. For example I recently read the Soviet Union thought the Panther was a backward step from the Tiger due to the superior HE of the 88 mm shell compared to 75 mm. Yet in game both tanks have identical stats.

    Nigel C

    I’d also like to see a cap on order dice, seems very gamey that Soviet Union lists (for example) can easily spam extra order dice with AT teams (for example) which effectively increases their chance of having the initiative over lower order dice lists.


    For machine guns to receive a buff, right now they are pretty pathetic for their points cost unless you are playing as Germany. Maybe give them a suppressive fire rule or something?

    Caleb Fisher

    An idea I recently had for templates is that you get a number of dice equal to the number of models you can cover with the template. You then roll to hit for each of those dice based on what you were able to cover. These dice would hit on 3s, ignoring cover, and would have whatever modifiers that would have normally been applied to the attack. This would help prevent completely whiffing on a single die roll, but it would still encourage players to spread out their troops. The only funny thing about this method is that it would still be just as difficult as it was before to hit single targets like tanks or infantry reduced to one man. This might make pinning with HE a little too easy though.

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