What house rules do you guys use?

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  • #183452
    Paul Nettle

    Although this post said I was the last to update it (five days ago), I can’t see my last post.

    So I guess the website lost it.

    Machinegun Artillery (Pulyemyetno-artillyeriyskiy) Platoon (Current version)


    Fortified regions (ukreplinnyie rajony) played an important part in securing victory for the Red Army in the Russian Civil War.  This influenced inter-war thinking, and by 1928 the Soviets had started constructing four fortified regions.  Another 17 fortified regions were added before 1941.  The idea of a fortified region was that a large area could be defended by a few troops.

    Whilst some parts of fortified regions had lavish over-lapping bunkers linked by underground passages, the bulk of the fortified region consisted of field works, trenches and obstacles.  To man the defences, special units were created which consisted primarily of manned heavy weapons.  Each Fortified Battalion held an area 1.5-3km deep and 3-6km wide and oval shaped, called a “Battalion Defence Region” (batal’onnye raiony oborony).  Each Battalion Defence Region had three or four Fortified Companies which held Company Defence Regions (rotnyi rayon oborony) which were also oval in shape.

    Often Battalion Defence Regions were placed in front of the main defence lines, in a checkerboard manner 5-8km apart, to slow and channel attackers.  Famously these units were given no transport – they were expected to fight where they were and conquer or die!

    New Unit: Soviet LMG Team

    MMGs were supplemented by small teams armed with an LMG.

    Cost: 20pts (Inexperienced), 35pts (Regular)

    Composition: 3 men

    Weapons: 1 Light machine gun.

    Special Rules: Team Weapon.


    The following list is based on a reinforced Machinegun Artillery Platoon which may have defended the borders in 1941.  It could also be used at Sevastopol, or to defend any of the old, dismantled fortified regions that were hurriedly re-manned as the Germans advanced.  It would be ideal to supplement the “Barbarossa” list on page 62 of “Armies of the Soviet Union”, or “Siege of Sevastopol” list on page 66 of “Armies of the Soviet Union”.

    No units may be Veteran.

    One Lieutenant- Junior or Senior

    0-1 Captain or Major

    0-1 Forward Artillery Observer

    0-1 Commissar

    0-1 Medic

    2-4 MMG

    2-4 Soviet LMG Team

    0-1 Anti-Tank Rifle Team.  The only “Extra selection” that may be taken is anti-tank rifle teams.

    0-2 Gun from Light Anti-Tank Gun

    0-2 Mortar, Light or Medium


    0-1 Dragons Teeth at 10 points.

    0-2 Minefield at 50 points.

    0-4 Sections of barbed wire at 10 points.

    0-1 Pillbox at 55 points.  The pillbox may contain one MMG or one Anti-tank gun.

    0-1 Hard Cover for each MMG, Gun or Mortar team at 10 points per piece.


    Special Rules:

    Quality of Quantity does not apply.

    Defensive: This Platoon always defends.  In scenarios where no troops are set up on table at the start of the game, this platoon may always deploy up to half their units (rounding down), and any fortifications, up to 6″ onto the table.  Units deployed this way may not move on Turn 1.

    Resolute: Machinegun Artillery Platoons were expected to fight to the death.

    If a Machinegun Artillery unit counts as ‘in cover’ (or behind cover) when enemy fire causes enough casualties to cause a moral check then the unit benefits from a +1 modifier for the check.

    Maskirovka: Up to half the Soviet units (rounding down) that start the game on the table in or behind cover count as using Hidden Set-up, even if the scenario does not allow this.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Paul Nettle.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Paul Nettle.
    Mark Prichard

    In our league we have discussed some of these sniper rules set forth in this topic, but we have also discussed getting rid of the HE template and just use basic hits against units instead (Such as 2 hits for HE 1, 4 hits HE 2, etc).  It would quicken the game slightly as players would not have to reach across the table to see how many figures they hit (and then argue about it).  They would also would spend less time spreading units out to just under 1 inch trying to defeat the template.

    Paul Nettle

    The original Machine Gun Artillery post is https://www.warlordgames.com/community/topic/machinegun-artillery-pulyemyetno-artillyeriyskiy-platoon/

    The list is not legal, but I did use two of them in my own 1941 campaign.  And any list can be used with your opponent’s agrement.

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