What Older Tank Kits Would You Like To See Retooled ?

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action What Older Tank Kits Would You Like To See Retooled ?

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  • #190739
    Jim Ripley

    Just built a 3 pack of the Panzer IV B/C/D , what a beautiful kit . Ok , it could of had separate turret side hatches and maybe the tropical engine deck seen on Ds in Afrika , but beautiful non the less . Way better than the Panzer IV G/H . That kit needs a redo . So does the T34 . The upper engine deck is wrong with the hatch being too small . How about a new Mickey Mouse 76 turret with optional commander’s cupola and a separate Driver’s hatch and dish wheels ?  Upgrading the M4 to match the details of the  M4A4 with all  hatches separate would be nice. Ok , I like open hatches on my tanks , either to display with a full crew or as knocked out / abandoned vehicles .  Comparing the old Opel Blitz to new Bedford is a real eye opener , the detail is scale model worthy as opposed to the gaming piece that the Blitz is . I’ve seen resin kits with better under carriage detail . I’m not saying the older kits are bad , I’ve got over 20 T34s and 8 Panzer IV Hs but  the newer kit put them to shame . Any kits out there you guys would like to see redone ?

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