Why 2/4x Frig/Brigs and 3x 3rd Rate per box?

Home Forums Historical Black Seas Why 2/4x Frig/Brigs and 3x 3rd Rate per box?

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Erik.
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  • #173872

    I was just wondering why the boxes are filled the way they are.

    Are the 2 frigates and 4 brigs equal to three 3rd rate ships in points and battle? (Sorry, I don’t have the book).

    I really like the frigate models and would like to find more of them without the brigs. I also would have been content with just one 3rd rate. I am just curious why they are packaged the way they are.

    I just build models, though, I don’t know how the game works. Please forgive my ignorance.

    Andrew Cree

    I think it’s simply the number of sprues – 3rd rates and Frigates are 1 per sprue, Brigs are 2 per sprue.

    Thus the Frigates and Brigs box contains 4 sprues whilst the 3rd Rate box contains 3 sprues.


    Thanks, Andrew. That still does not make sense to me.

    I would have thought Frigate Box with more frigates than 3rd Rates. Same for the brigs, a brig-only box with a number of them in there.

    I’d like to get my hands on several more frigates but I don’t need any more brigs. This is why I am thinking of this.

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