Gaming & Collecting, Konflikt '47, Tactics

Konflikt ’47 Rift Tech Support Weapons

Add some rift tech to an existing Bolt Action Army and begin your Weird War!

Konflikt ’47 Rift Tech Support Weapons
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Konflikt ’47 adds a whole raft of new Rift Tech support weapons to your battlefields. Here’s a quick guide on how some of them work.


Tesla Cannons




Weapon Type Range (“) Shots Pen Special Rules
M17 Tesla Cannon 36″ 1 +1/+7 Team, Fixed, Tesla


The directed energy weapons conceived and developed by Nikola Tesla have had an immediate impact on the battlefield. Even heavily-armoured vehicles are vulnerable to electricity and with a dispersion setting, squads of infantry can be attacked just as easily. Whilst relatively short ranged and bulky, they are effective against both vehicles and infantry, which makes them popular with the tank crews that use them.

Tactically the glow of the Tesla Cannon’s coils makes ambushes and fighting at night difficult, but the psychological effect of the electrical arcs on enemy soldiers is worth the side effects.

When targeting infantry and artillery the weapon arcs to nearby targets.

Tesla weapons have two penetration values, the lower value is used against infantry and artillery, the higher value is used against vehicles.

When targeting infantry and artillery the weapon arcs to nearby targets. After a successful hit is rolled, roll a d6, and this number of additional hits is inflicted on the unit. If the number of hits exceeds the number of models in the unit, any excess hits are lost.

While short-ranged, these weapons are incredibly versatile against tanks and infantry, able to inflict massive casualties with a single electrical blast. Use them to create kill zones or deny areas of the battlefield from the enemy.

Schwerefeld Projektors




Weapon Type Range (“) Shots Pen Special Rules
Schwerefeld Projektor 48 2 +4 Team, Fixed, Gravity Pulse


The gravity manipulation weapons employed by Germany have the ability to alter localised gravity, crushing targets under their own weight, rapidly altering the gravity in a small space. This can cause rapid failure of mechanical parts and the aftershocks can disrupt a targets ability to operate for a significant time.

The ability of the weapon’s energy field to manipulate gravity is linked to the target’s mass, making the weapon more effective against bigger and heavier targets. This has led to more of these weapons being employed on the Eastern Front than the in the west, to counter the heavy Soviet walkers and tanks.

The ability of the weapon’s energy field to manipulate gravity is linked to the target’s mass, making the weapon more effective against bigger and heavier targets.

Gravity pulse weapons have a penetration value listed but add +1 to that value when shooting at targets with a Damage value of 8 or 9 and a +2 when firing at targets with a Damage value of 10+. In addition, a unit that takes damage from a gravity pulse weapon cannot be given a Run order in its following activation.

Keep these weapons in reserve until the enemy’s heavy armour makes an appearance, then use your increased penetration to tear the armoured behemoths apart. In a pinch, they can slow down your opponent’s fast-moving units and create some breathing space for your forces.

Open the Rift!

Getting started with Konflikt ’47 can be as simple as adding a Rift Tech unit to your existing Bolt Action army. These powerful towed weapons are a cheap and easy way to introduce the new rules to your battlefield.

Tom Mecredy
Tom spends most of his time buying books and painting miniatures. He enjoys putting animals on the bases of his miniatures and half-finishing side projects. Some say that he lives in a tower on top of some windswept northern hill with his wife and cow-patterned cat, Spaghetti.