Uniforms & History

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - French, Bolt Action - German, Uniforms & History

History: The BEF and the Fall of France

The British Expeditionary Force (BEF) was a small and confident professional force. Its leaders prepared for a war that was expected to pretty much follow the pattern of World War I with troops battling over relatively static lines of defence. The BEF would bolster the much larger and highly regarded French army – the most potent fighting arm in all…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Japanese, Bolt Action - US, Uniforms & History

History: Alligator Creek, Guadalcanal 1942

The battle for Alligator Creek is officially known as the Battle of the Tenaru. 6,000 troops from the Japanese 28th Infantry Regiment, the Yokosuka Special Naval Landing Force, and 35th Infantry Brigade were tasked with retaking Guadalcanal. The spearpoint of the Japanese assault would be 916 experienced combat troops of the 2/28th Battalion led by…