Gaming & Collecting

Battle Reports, Bolt Action, Bolt Action - French, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Tank War, Gaming & Collecting

Tank Escalation Campaign Part 3

Following their initial victory last week, Bernard Lewis’ German panzers rumbled onward – this week they happened upon a new foe. How would they fare as they clashed with the lend-lease Shermans of Dave ‘Boycie’ Lawrence’s Free French forces? Build-Up to the Battle After the first tank war campaign game, Bernard’s Sd.Kfz 222 command vehicle…

Battle Reports, Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Tank War, Gaming & Collecting

Tank Escalation Campaign Part 2 – The Outbreak of War!

With the roaring of engines and the smell of engine oil filling the Warlord warehouse, it’s time for Tank War… The opening battle of our campaign saw the plucky British forces of Darren Evans take on Bernard Lewis’ German armour. The Germans took to the field coming in at just under 400pts, whereas the Brits…

Battle Reports, Bolt Action, Bolt Action - British, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Soviet, Gaming & Collecting

Tank Escalation Campaign Part I – Prelude to War!

Welcome to the Bolt Action Staging Grounds! – Grab a mess-tin and take a knee. After the success of our Pacific campaign, the Warlord staff gamers are back and they’ve brought a few friends along for the ride. This time, it’s war – with a sidedish brimming with big dirty, tread-based hardcore tank action. In…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Soviet, Bolt Action - Tank War, Gaming & Collecting, Getting Started, Latest News, Uniforms & History

Platoon Guide: T-34/85 Medium Tank

History The T-34 series, with its sloping armour, changed the principles of tank design during the war. The sloping, angular layout of the T-34 increased the effective armour thickness, and also saw a larger proportion of shells deflected away than penetrated its armour. The introduction of the T-34 into action saw German tank design follow…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Tank War, Bolt Action - US, Gaming & Collecting, Getting Started, Latest News, Uniforms & History

Platoon Guide: M4 Sherman Medium Tank

History The mainstay of the Allied armies, the Sherman was one of the most versatile tanks during the war, from the fields of Europe to the jungles of the Pacific. The M4 Sherman was produced by the thousand in the automotive factories of Detroit, and became a platform for countless variants as the way developed…