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New: Pike & Shotte Highland Clansmen!

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Jings and crivens – the Highlanders are here! The eagerly awaited Highland Clansmen metal boxed set is now available and as if that wasn’t enough we also have the spectacular Highland Hero miniature available too!

Highlander Hero

Highlander Hero 2

In an age and culture where personal strength and courage counted for much, the Highland hero was still a man of standing. Warlord’s Highland hero is stripped down to just a belted plaid, so wild is his determination to close with his despised foe. His foes were legion, and could be cowering Covenanters, astonished English troops or as likely another loathed Highlander from a despised rival clan!

We have our hero wielding an ancient weapon, the double handed great sword that could smash down pikes or horsemen alike. This man is clearly the stuff of legends, bulging with energy and muscle and capable of great deeds on the field of battle. He is a dangerous man indeed…

This metal range is extensive and have a sporran-full of character. To top things off you can purchase these beautiful models or take advantage of our new army deals! And no, we’ll no be having a sale…

Highland Clansmen Boxed Set Cover

Warlord Games’ Highlander Boxed Set contains:

• 18 metal Highland Clansmen (including command group) armed with lochaber axes, bows, muskets and assorted close combat weaponry!

• Exclusive ‘taunting’ Highlander model (only available via this boxed set)

• Background Guide

• Seven Full-colour flags for English Civil Wars and Thirty Years War

This boxed set is now available!

Highland ClansmenHighlander Taunting

The skirl of the pipes is perhaps one of the eeriest sounds that you can hear, more so if you were a Covenanter soldier in the Civil Wars in Britain 1642-1650 awaiting the approach of Montrose’s wild Highlanders!

Highlander Laird

Highlander Ensign

Highlander Piper

Highlander Charging with Pistol and Broadsword

The Scottish Clans were a throw-back to an earlier time. Small, tight family groups who eked out tough lives on hill farms supplemented at times by raiding from other Clans in long standing feuds. When times were very hard young men may go overseas and enlist in a foreign army, many reaching senior rank on the Continent. However, when the fiery cross was paraded through their lands all tools were downed and ancient but deadly weapons taken down from the wall as man after man put on his plaid and bonnet and went to join his Clan and Laird in battle!

Highlander Front Ranker Running with Musket

Expertly painted by Dale Yates these miniatures provide options for a great many periods – not just the English Civil Wars – they can be used right out to the ’45, for instance…

Highlander with Two Pistols

Highlander with Axe, Dirk, and Targe

Warlord Games’ Highlanders are depicted as they would form for battle. The Laird and his close family in the front ranks, ready to fire a volley then charge, whilst the middle ranks prepare their Lochaber axes, bows, muskets and broadswords. The poorest, youngest or oldest fill in at the back shouting encouragement and hurling stones.

Highlander with Broadsword and Dirk

There is little one can do but hope that a good volley can stop these atavistic wildmen, for if they close their deadly, flashing dirks will soon finish the business…

Highland Clansmen Charge From Their Forest Retreat!

For those of you looking to field the Highlanders and their allies en amasse on the battlefield we’ve also got a couple of great army deals available:

There Can Be Only One – Highlander Deal

• 3 Highland Clansmen boxed sets

• 1 Highlander hero

• FREE! Alisdair ‘The Devastator’ Mac Colla and his two bodyguards

Total of 61 figures

Total £75. Total saving of £7!

James Graham, The Marquis of Montrose 1

The Army of Montrose

• 3 Montrose Irish boxed sets

• 2 Highland Clansmen boxed sets

• 1 Scots Lancers boxed set

• 1 Scots Covenanters boxed set (Strathbogie regiment)

• 1 Scots Dragoons set

• 1 Scots Frame Gun

• The Marquis of Montrose on horseback

• Alisdair ‘The Devastator’ Mac Colla and his two bodyguards

• 1 Highlander Hero

Total of 166 foot, 24 horse, 1 artillery piece and Montrose himself!

Total £200. Saving of £24!

Also, we thought you’d appreciate some fully painted shots of Mac Colla the Devastator and his Bodyguards. These spectacular character models will be available soon!

MacColla and Bodyguards 1

MacColla and Bodyguards 2

Check out the new Highlanders on the webstore – they’re even available separately as reinforcements. We’re too good to you, you know…