With our new Ancients rules, Hail Caesar, on the horizon we’ve been hard at work re-organising our existing ranges as well as preparing loads of new miniatures to help you get started. We have some new ranges on the way but the first plastic release is a belter and another one for the Legions of Rome. Read on…
The Imperial Roman Scorpion catapult – manned by two Legionaries this war machine fires a heavy arrow unerringly into the massed ranks of the enemy or dashes defenders from their fortifications.
Every century in a Legion would have one of these bolt-throwers attached to it. One can only imagine the affect that massed ranks of these pouring steel-tipped bolts into the enemy position would have had.
We currently have a metal Scorpion for sale in the webstore for the impatient folks out there. Or for those who want to complement this future release ahead of time!