We spotted these inspiring pieces over on the Bolt Action international facebook page and thought they just had to be shared – sit back and enjoy Nathans fantastic work then get your brushes out and prepare for your winter battles!
Nathan: I found my favoured technique to use tends to be a full airbrush paint job including the camo followed by the winter white wash.
I use Vallejo Model Air Sand Yellow then Interior Green and Dark Earth
White Wash: Once I’ve finished the Camo scheme I give the entire model a clear coat and once dru get the hair spray out and give them a good coating.
Following the Hairspray comes an airbrush of the White winter coat. Because of the hairspray I can then use a wet brush to take off any white so that it looks like it’s been chipped off.
I’ll then use weathering powders to finish with dirt and rust effects.
If you need any help, advice, or just say hi you can just message me on my Twitter or even have a look at some extra pictures here: @miniatureblanky
Do you have an article within you? Are you itching to show your collection to the world of Bolt Action? Then drop us a line with a couple of pictures to info@warlordgames.com or share with all over at the Warlord Forum
Check Out The Winter Range
Winter Grenadier 1000 point Reinforced Platoon
RSO with Winter Pak40
German Winter Assault
BF109G-6 Hungary (Winter 44/45)