Tag: Algoryn


Webstore: Algoryn AI Trooper advancing

We first made our Algoryn squad available to those who signed up on our playtester forum. Following further playtesting and the feedback of the community we have removed the figure with mag repeater and replaced him with another sculpt armed with mag gun. For those of you who have the old-style configuration of squad we’re…


Webstore: Algoryn AI Squad

The Algoryn are a proud warrior race confronted on all sides by merciless and powerful enemies. Every aspect of their society is geared towards defending the worlds of the Algoryn Prosperate from the terrible threat that surrounds them. Engaged in constant warfare for hundreds of years, the Algoryn are naturally amongst the most battle-hardened troops…


Webstore: Algoryn Skirmish Force

The Algoryn military is one of the most efficient and effective fighting forces in the entirety of Antarean Space. The whole of Algoryn society is geared for war and survival in a hostile universe. This great deal allows you start in the Antarian universe with a complete starting, or Skirmish level, 750 point force that…


Webstore: Algoryn Command Team

The Algoryn military is one of the most efficient and effective fighting forces in the entirety of Antarean Space. The whole of Algoryn society is geared for war and survival in a hostile universe. The Algoryn Command Team blister contains one A.I Commander, clad in Reflex Armour and armed with a Plasma Carbine and X-sling…