Tag: BEF

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New: Early War Waffen-SS!

Attired in their trademark camouflage smocks and helmet covers, the Waffen-SS were easily recognisable during the early stages of the war. Warlord sculptor, Wojtek, has been hard at it refreshing the sculpts we received when we bought BEF Miniatures. See what they look like and grab a squad or two for yourself here. Well-supplied and…

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New: Vickers Light Tanks!

As we continue to re-release the miniatures and vehicles we acquired, as part of our purchase of BEF Miniatures from Ian Crouch, we are taking the opportunity to remaster them for resin production. The latest two vehicles for the forces of His Majesty’s Commonwealth are two variants of the Vickers Light tank – the mark…

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Preview: Early war Waffen-SS

As we did with our German Army and Belgian Infantry, we’ve refreshed the original Waffen-SS which we picked up as part of our purchase of BEF Miniatures. The new models will be released soon but before we popped them into a mould we thought you’d like to see what is on the way… It shouldn’t…

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New: BEF 2 Pdr Anti-Tank Gun!

Giving your brave Tommies a fighting chance against the advancing panzers this classic British Anti-tank gun has been remastered and is available once again. Have a gander here… More commonly known as the 2-pounder, the Ordnance QF 2-pounder (QF standing for ‘quick fire’) saw action primarily in the invasion of France in 1940 and during…

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Preview: Early War German Infantry

As we start to rerelease the early war range we bought from BEF Miniatures we’ve taken the opportunity to refresh some of the infantry sculpts. This has started with the Germans as you can see here. In addition to tweaking the poses and bringing the weaponry in line with their late war counterparts so we…

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New: BEF Vehicles!

As part of our acquisition of BEF Miniatures we have a limited quantity of the original stock. Whilst we are preparing each vehicle for re-release you can get your eager little hands on some of them now! These are very much available on a first come, first served basis so have a look at what…