Tag: Beyond the Gates of Antares

Algoryn, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Community, Concord, Gaming & Collecting, Getting Started, Ghar, Isorian Shard

The Antares Initiative: Noise Sector – Month 1

The first month in Antarian space has been a challenging one for the villainous scum of The Noise Sector. Cast adrift from the main star cluster in unfamiliar territory we find our four games Asher, Mick, Mitch and Dan. With time-locked supply drops the frenzied crew has devoured any morsels of information they can land…

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Freeborn

Hobby: Rich.D’s Freeborn Ferals Part Four – Initial Terrain

For the fourth installment looking at Warlorder Rich.D’s Freeborn Feral force, Rich talks us through the initial ideas and first steps in creating terrain to bring their homeworld of Pellemar to life on the tabletop…  In case you missed the previous articles on building the army, and setting the scene,,take a look here, here, and here!  Initial thoughts, and the…

Algoryn, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Boromites

Beyond the Gates of Antares Battle Report: Algoryn vs Boromites

Amidst a universe vast beyond comprehension, a universe of human endeavour stretches eons into a dark and turbulent past, a universe of embattled civilisations possessed of unimaginable power. Across millions of worlds rival empires are locked in a struggle for dominance, driven by intellects that are as much machine as human, the omniscient integrated machine intelligence of a society and a time very different…

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Ghar Outcast Rebels, Latest Products

New: Antares Ghar Outcast Rebel Creeper Box Set

Fartok’s Outcast Rebels have been diligent in their scouring of the battlefields to produce the Creeper: View in Store Ghar Outcast Rebel Creeper One of the accomplishments of Fartok’s Outcast engineers is to find ways of repurposing the simple shells of captured enemy equipment. Such shells are made of materials of a kind that is strange…