Tag: Beyond the Gates of Antares

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Gaming & Collecting, Official Updates & FAQs, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Rules: Scenarios for Beyond the Gates of Antares

Rick Priestley has been hard at work (amazing what the threat of his rum ration being cancelled will do) playtesting Beyond the Gates of Antares, ably assisted by everyone on the playtester forum, and has produced  6 starting scenarios to help you set up some exciting and close-fought battles. We’ve put them together into a downloadable…

Algoryn, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Latest Products

New: Algoryn AI Assault Squad

Out today for Beyond the Gates of Antares, we have more reinforcements for the Algoryn – the AI Assault Squad: As well as Mag Repeaters, Algoryn Assault AI are equipped with forearm mounted distort and plasma shell projectors called Distort Spinners or D-Spinners for short. The projectors hurl small spinning discs – distort shells which disrupt the space around…

Algoryn, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Latest Products

New: Algoryn AI Squad, X-Launcher, Plasma Cannon and Targeter Probes

Out today for Beyond the Gates of Antares, we have reinforcements for the Algoryn Prosperate – the Armoured Infantry squad as well as X-Launcher and Plasma Cannon teams, and Targeter Probes: The Algoryn are a proud warrior race confronted on all sides by merciless and powerful enemies. Every aspect of their society is geared towards…

Beyond the Gates of Antares, Boromites, Latest Products

New: Boromite Work Gang, Lavamites and Mag Light Support

New for our Beyond the Gates of Antares science-fiction game – Boromite reinforcements! This week, they receive three new sets – the Work Gang, Lavamites and Mag Light Support team: Boromite Work Gangs are armed with Mass Compactors, which are extremely powerful at short ranges and, given that they are used for asteroid mining, they easily…

Algoryn, Battle Reports, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Boromites, Gaming & Collecting, Scenarios & Additional Rules

Battle Report: Beyond the Gates of Antares Beta Playtesting

On 19th November 2014, I had the privilege of sneaking-into one of the playtesting sessions for Beyond the Gates of Antares. I joined gamescribe Rick Priestley, and his loyal playtesting companion – Nick Simmerson. Aim of the Playtesting Session Today, we had a brand new scenario to try-out – featuring a Transmat Station (essentially a…

Algoryn, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Latest Products

New: Algoryn command team, Mag Light Support and Infiltration Team

Algoryn command team The Algoryn military is one of the most efficient and effective fighting forces in the entirety of Antarean Space. The whole of Algoryn society is geared for war and survival in a hostile universe. The Algoryn Command Team blister contains one A.I. (Armoured Infantry) Commander, clad in Reflex Armour and armed with…