Tag: Black Powder

Black Powder, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

New: Napoleonic French Mule Train ‘The Carrot’

Sometimes the hardest contributors to war aren’t even human, the new Napleonic French Mule Train ‘The Carrot’ is carrying essentials to help Napoleon rule France with an iron fist. View in Store Following the French wherever it marches, mule trains are invaluable as they relieve the stress of the troops carrying heavy essential equipment. Ensure…

Black Powder, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

New: Napoleonic British Mule Train ‘The Stick’

Sometimes the hardest contributors to war aren’t even human, the new Napleonic British Mule Train ‘The Stick’ is carrying essentials to help Wellingtons army March to war! View in Store Following the British Army wherever it marches, the mule train is invaluable  carrying heavy essential equipment. Ensure the stubborn mules don’t fall behind or you’ll…

Black Powder, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815

New: Napoleonic French Imperial Guard Foot Artillery Howitzer

Break open the toughest enemy formation or fortification with two offerings today in the form of Firing and Laying options for your French Howitzer Batteries! Napoleonic French Imperial Guard Foot Artillery Howitzer Firing The Howitzer was the go to gun ideally used break open formations and fortified locations prior to and in support of an…

Black Powder, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815, Showcase

British Cavalry on the horizon!

What’s that we can hear? Why yes… it’s the Heavy British Cavalry thundering across the battlefields of  Napoleonic Belgium, in stores 17th June! The British Household Brigade Cavalry or the 1st Cavalry Brigade – was arguably Britain’s finest unit of cavalry. Impatient due to seeing little action in the Peninsular war and tired of parades, the Household Brigade was only…