Tag: Black Powder

Black Powder, Bolt Action, English Civil Wars, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815, Pike & Shotte, Thirty Years War

Highlight: Ye Olde Town

Delving into the battles on Old English Soil? Then here’s a perfect way to create a stunning backdrop or objective for a game! Sarissa Precision kits are easy to assemble and great value for money. We offer a number of large bundles of their buildings, giving you an entire table’s worth of terrain in a single one-click…

American Civil War 1861-1865, Battle Reports, Black Powder, Gaming & Collecting

Showcase: ‘Hangman’s Creek’ from the Border Reivers

The Warlord staff have been dusting-off our ACW collections in preparation for the release of Glory Hallelujah – the warehouse team can be seen running drills, and the studio staff are rumoured to have barricaded themselves in, taking turns on watch – scalpels re-purposed as makeshift bayonets, paint brushes turned into improvised torches…. keeping a sharp eye out for enemy…