Tag: Boardgames


Webstore: Kaelly Nether Strider Booster

Smoke, shadow, and dark energy twist and lurk from the scarred lands known as the Nether Rifts. From the depths of this stygian abyss the Nether Elves appear. Renowned amongst her dark kin, Kaelly is an assassin without peer. Embrace the darkness with this unique mini-boss and should any oppose youÑstrike from the shadows!


Webstore: Mistmourn Coast Expansion

Perpetually locked in an unnatural fog, the Mistmourn Coast is home to fickle and cruel faeries who make sport from tormenting trespassers. Trolls are some of the few mortal creatures who call the Mistmourn Coast home, and even they have been deeply affected by its magic. Featuring a new Hero, mini-boss, and two spawning points,…


Webstore: Dungeon Tiles – Von Drakk Ghost House

Beware the things that go bump in the night! The Glauerdoom Moor is a haunted land filled with restless spirits, walking dead, and cackling witches. Von Drakk Ghost house lets you battle through the graveyards, spooky mansions, and villages of this cursed realm. Von Drakk Ghost House expands your games of Super Dungeon Explore with…


Webstore: Ser Snapjaw

Ser Snapjaw is the greatest Wyrm Claw Exemplar in an age. Legendary among lesser kobolds, they rally to Ser Snapjaw with zeal, his cunning leadership allowing them to fight with discipline that matches the mightiest armies.


Webstore: Von Drakk Manor

Baron Von Drakk has pledged the might of his nightmare horde to the Dark Consul. Twisted necromancers of the Dust Covens have plundered crypt and grave, raising legions of armor-clad skeletons and undead abominations to serve their dark masters. The skies echo with the cackle of witches on their brooms as they cast curses on…

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