Tag: Bolt Action

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Hobby: Sturmpanzerwagen A7V

The ever-talented Claudia Zuminich has turned her talented hand to our recently released A7V German WWI Tank with her usual flair and eye for detail – by utilising some advanced weathering techniques, she’s given the model a gritty, war-torn feel – and think you’ll agree, it looks rather good! And in her usual style, Claudia has…

Battle Reports, Bolt Action, Bolt Action - French, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Tank War, Gaming & Collecting

Tank Escalation Campaign Part 3

Following their initial victory last week, Bernard Lewis’ German panzers rumbled onward – this week they happened upon a new foe. How would they fare as they clashed with the lend-lease Shermans of Dave ‘Boycie’ Lawrence’s Free French forces? Build-Up to the Battle After the first tank war campaign game, Bernard’s Sd.Kfz 222 command vehicle…