Tag: Bolt Action

Black Powder, Bolt Action, English Civil Wars, Hail Caesar, Latest Products, Napoleonic Wars 1789-1815, Pike & Shotte, The Jacobite Rebellion 1745, Thirty Years War

New: Plastic Barn and Stable

Released today are the two latest plastic buildings from the Tabletop Workshop range. The Barn and the Stable are smaller buildings and are based around the existing Cottage design. They will look great in most wargaming eras, from Medieval to the Napoleonic Wars right through to European World War I and II battlefields. View in…


Webstore: British Army FOO team

FOOs were assigned to a company or squadron of a battalion or regiment that their battery was supporting. In the British artillery system FOOs were always authorised to order fire commands to their own troop or battery, based on their assessment of the