Tag: Bolt Action

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Gallery: Wittman’s Dingo

Neil Burt (AKA Troop of Shewe) has converted our Daimler Dingo and Michael Wittman figure into something a bit exciting. Take a look at Neil’s handiwork here. The conversion was based on, and inspired by, this  photograph of taken in August 1944, France of s.SS-Pz.Abt.102. This was a fairly heavy conversion as Neil used an…

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New: Bolt Action Churchill AVRE!

Adding more punch to the Allied arsenal is this great-looking new vehicle. AVRE stood for Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers and provided excellent battlefield support to the engineers. Armed with a devastating 290mm spigot mortar this tank was more than capable of cracking bunkers and other fortifications as well as providing the basis for many of…