Tag: Bolt Action

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New: Bolt Action Polish Airborne Support!

The initial para-drop of Polish Airborne which landed last week has requested urgent reinforcements. Their luck is in as this little lot is en route to bolster their position… Fieldmarshal Montgomery inspects Polish Airborne troops. God bless, Fieldmarshal Montgomery… Once you hit the ground, it’s good idea to have some portable firepower with you. Enter…

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New: Bolt Action BA-64 Armoured Car!

This classic Soviet armoured scout car saw service from 1942 right into the 1960s! Proving equally adept in recce or urban situations this Russian vehicle ably complements our growing Bolt Action Soviet range. This is the BA64 a light armoured car built in 1941 as the Germans invaded Russia. The Russians adapted the chassis of…

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New: Bolt Action SU-76!

The Red Army is now supported by this self-propelled gun. Second only to the legendary  T34 in numbers produced this gun saw action wherever the Germans were to be found on the Ostfront… This small but powerful self propelled gun was produced in vast quantities by the Soviets in WW2. It used a tried and…

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New: Bolt Action Polish Airborne!

At last – the fog has subsided and the Polish Airborne are here! The Polish Airborne Brigade was famously parachuted into the terrible fighting at Arnhem during Operation Market Garden in 1944 in a desperate attempt to hold on the to shrinking British bridgehead. They fought a hard battle, but were battered into defeat and submission…

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Preview: Bolt Action Japanese!

About time we had something for our USMC and Chindits to tackle and here’s a first look at a few sculpts from our forthcoming Imperial Japanese Army range… As you can see there is bags of character in these sculpts and this is enhanced by the range utilising our Figure Head System of separate heads….