Tag: Bolt Action

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New: Bolt Action Panther Ausf D!

Another Big Cat for you German commanders to field – arguably the best tank of the war, the Panther was a truly superb AFV. This model represents the early production Panther. Now, that is an imposing-looking tank… This is one of the classic “Big Cats” of the panzer forces. The Panther entered service in 1943…

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Preview: Bolt Action Carrier Variants.

Here we have two forthcoming vehicles for the forces of the British Commonwealth to show off – scroll down to see what’s in store! Vicker’s MMG Carrier How’s about a little (or a lot) of hot lead to keep Jerry down for good? This Bren Carrier is just the trick. Feast you eyes on the…

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New: Bolt Action Panzer Crews!

Well, we’ve been bringing you loads and loads of new and re-released vehicles so it’s only fair we also gave you the crew for them, isn’t it? With the separate heads as you’ve come to love from the Figure Head system you’ll have plenty of variety across the zugs in your German army.  These proud…