Tag: Bolt Action

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Preview: Waffen-SS Tank Hunters

With the Waffen-SS boxed set, HMG teams and Pak40 now released on an unsuspecting world it’s time to show you a glimpse of things to come! As you can see our Waffen-SS Tank Hunters are prepared to take down any Allied armour which might come their way. Armed with both a Panzerfaust (“tank fist”) and…

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Bolt Action French!

The Defenders of France have been valiantly holding the hated Boche at bay. Now they have more weapons to add to their arsenal in the form of the 81mm Mortar Team and the French Infantry Squad. Muster the troops, mon ami! For all the glamour and so called ferocity of the German armoured troops, it…

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New: Bolt Action Waffen-SS!

Allied soldiers beware – the Waffen-SS are here! Dedicated and unflinching, aggressive and uncompromising, the soldiers of the SS provided the Allies with a tenacious and stubborn opponent. The new Bolt Action SS range is the first to feature our Figure Head optional head system – now you can give your army ultimate variety and…

Bolt Action, Bolt Action - French, Bolt Action - German, Bolt Action - Polish, Bolt Action - Soviet, Showcase

Gallery: Tom Weiss’ Partisans

More inspirational brushwork from Tom Weiss. This time it’s the turn of the Partisans to step out of the shadows! These miniatures are perfect for representing the forces of the French Maquis, Russian Partisan Brigades, members of the Polish Resistance, German Volksturm and other freedom fighters. If your scenario requires townsfolk taking up arms, then…