Tag: Bolt Action


Webstore: Dad’s Army: Rev. Farthing & Verger

One half of the double act played with the Vicar, the Verger fawns over Reverend Farthing, often referring to him wrongly as “Your Reverence”. Clearly antagonistic of the Home Guard he often refers to them as ‘vanadals’ due to damage caused to the Church Hall in which the platoon meet following their HQ being bombed….


Webstore: German Grenadiers in Winter Clothing

Germany’s aggressive campaigns of conquest ensured that her armies would fight in many countries far from the fatherland and in starkly contrasting terrain and weather conditions. German soldiers were well-equipped for their venture into Europe, and later North Africa, but found themselves ill-prepared for the bleak, freezing and unforgiving Eastern Front. When the Russian armies…


Webstore: Winter Soviet Infantry company deal

Deal consists of two boxes of Soviet Winter Infantry plastic box sets and two Gaz AAA trucks. When the German army crashed over the Russian border in 1941, Hitler was confident of a short, sharp campaign. He nearly got one, but heroic defence by the massive Soviet armies slowed the Nazi advance. It was done…